How To Survive Holiday Parties!

It’s that time of the year again - Christmas and holiday party season!

Whether you have one coming up or you’re like the many people who have multiple this season, sometimes we feel it the next day.

If you’re unlucky enough and have to head to work the following day (shout out to mid-week Christmas parties…I have one on Wednesday), then I feel you.

Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do when you are prepping yourself for your Christmas party.


Eat your greens:

Have a smoothie, a green juice, a salad, your supplements, etc. B vitamin deficiency leads to a hangover, so making sure you have your greens is a good way to make sure you are loading up on your B vitamins! Greens also contain chlorophyll, which helps protect your liver from excess alcohol.

Fat & protein:

Further to this….get in your fats and protein! We are all aware that drinking on an empty stomach is a big no-no. But in addition, drinking after eating a bag of potato chips isn’t going to get you very far either.

Some examples of a great pre-party meal that could contain plenty of fat and protein would be:

– avocado on toast

– oatmeal with peanut or almond butter and some berries

– a burger

These foods will get you prepared for the day/night ahead.

While you’re drinking:

WATER… Make sure to drink enough water! I try to go one-for-one. Every time I pour myself a new drink or grab one from the bar, I make sure to grab myself a glass of water as well.


Instead of painkillers, it is a good idea to drink some water and then have some food. Your headache is most likely due to dehydration, low blood sugar, and deficiency of vitamins and minerals (especially b12), so you will need to replenish and eat some nourishing food. An egg McMuffin and a hashbrown are certainly going to make your heart feel better, but it’s not going to supply you with all the nutrients that you need (and have lost) after a night of drinking (and maybe not eating the best foods).

Your best bet is to try having a yummy smoothie (or buy a green vegetable juice) while you’re getting ready for work and then grab an egg McMuffin on your way in!

 Lemon water with a pinch of salt:

This helps to flush out toxins and will replenish the electrolytes you have lost. You can also add some honey for some much-needed glucose and energy. 

B vitamins

A deficiency can lead to a hangover. A smoothie, juice, and B complex supplements are all great. 

Dandelion tea (health food store)

Dandelion tea helps with liver detoxification. This is especially good if you are going to be taking painkillers. Green tea is also great as it is full of antioxidants.


So, what to eat the next day??

1. Smoothie (half a banana, 2 handfuls of spinach, a handful of mango & tbsp chia/flax seeds or coconut yogurt, topped up with water). This will provide protein, fiber, fat, and B vitamins, and stabilize blood sugar.

  • 2. Oats with some butter, almond butter, or peanut butter will stabilize your blood sugar, improve your mood, and fight anxiety.

  • 3. Guacamole with cilantro and tomatoes with some crackers will help to calm the stomach, provide electrolytes, and aid in detoxing.

  • 4. Full-fat or coconut yogurt with banana and nuts and some honey or maple syrup.

  • 5. Have some greens like raw or sauteed spinach or kale, eggs, bacon, and a hashbrown or two. 


Try activated charcoal tablets if you feel hungover. Charcoal pulls out toxins and all of the baddies you want out of you. You can get them at your local health food store (Tablets are easier than the powder). 


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