Overcoming A Rare Childhood Disease: My Diagnosis of Legg-Calvé-Perthes

During my early childhood, at the tender age of four, I encountered a painful and serious leg-related issue that prompted dire medical attention. While conventional wisdom suggested a necessary surgical intervention followed by immobilization through casting, thankfully my parents researched and instead discovered a second opinion from a specialist renowned for treating elite athletes. The consultation led to a diagnosis of my family discovering I was born with a rare disease called, Legg-Calvé-Perthes (LCP for short), a scary condition that affects less than 1% of children and is characterized by a temporary disruption of blood flow to the femoral head (think, thigh-bone), necessitating rehab and treatment.

Rather than pursuing surgery, the therapist recommended a regimen of targeted physical exercises, marking the commencement of a particular healing journey. Soccer (Futbol in my culture) emerged as the surprise prescribed motor development and therapeutic activity, presenting initial challenges I recall, fraught with discomfort and fatigue, punctuated by frequent pauses for catching my breath! However, as time elapsed, a transformation unfolded, marked by the cultivation of physical resilience and the refinement and development of movement mechanics. These formative experiences underscored the fundamental role of the right foundation for kinetics and motor learning. 

Transitioning into high school, I embarked on gym-based workouts to maintain physical fitness. Embracing a repertoire encompassing weight training, cardio conditioning, and diverse exercise modalities, I recognized a void within this conventional framework, prompting a quest for a more experienced guidance and personal well-being.

InsideOut Experience: Taking It To A New Height

Upon relocating to Canada for college, I stumbled across InsideOut – a studio focusing on mindful movement, body awareness, and reaching my personal best. The environment is organized, equipped with quality gear, and staffed by friendly professionals. The workouts, while intense, have me achieving great highs I hadn’t experienced until now.

In my first session, I marvelled at the emphasis on correct movement without the pressure of rushing through exercises. The structured yet enjoyable sessions left me exhausted but remarkably energized. InsideOut offers a unique gym experience, transforming how I moved my body.

InsideOut's approach was a departure from my prior gym experiences. It taught me to move my body naturally and efficiently, fostering an appreciation for movement as a form of expression and connection to the world around me. InsideOut has played a pivotal role in helping me overcome Legg-Calvé-Perthes. The gym became a catalyst for embracing a healthier, happier life while realizing my previously untapped strength potential! There has also been the sheer joy and healing to accompany me on this recent phase of my recovery and later overcoming being part of the 1% of the population.

By: R. Sasso


Rest Assured: Mastering the Art of Sleep Hygiene in a Stressful World


Part 2: Surviving, Thriving! Overcoming My Eating Disorder