Working it out: Training assessment

I’ve never had a personal trainer. Not because I didn’t want a personal trainer, but because of the money and the time commitment, it wasn’t an option. So when I was given the opportunity to work with a trainer at InsideOut, I jumped at the chance. Who wouldn't want a personal trainer? I was so excited. I was also, so clueless. 

I had no idea what an assessment with a fitness coach looked like. So when I heard that one of the first steps to my assessment was to weigh me, I got a little nervous. Stepping on a scale, is kind of scary. Hearing these numbers about my own body like my weight or my height, was somewhat uncomfortable. But Rachel, my trainer at InsideOut, was a pro. She ensured that I didn't have to see the numbers if I don’t want to. Rachel was able to make me feel so comfortable and at ease during the assessment. 

I also got to talk about my fitness goals. Talking about my fitness goals made me realize that, I’ve never set achievable goals for myself. My goals have always been general, like losing weight or being stronger. I didn't realize that the best way to achieve these goals, is to get more specific. Rachel helped me settle on a few different goals. One of the goals I set was to gain more energy. Almost every day I wake up tired, no matter how much sleep I get. So having enough energy to get through the day, is ideal. Another goal I set for myself was to build muscle. If I really flex my biceps they don’t look half bad, but other times I struggle to open jars of jam. 

The next step in my assessment with my trainer was to measure the number of push-ups or pull-ups I can do. This felt intimidating. But in all honesty, I surprised myself. I definitely won’t be winning any weightlifting competitions, but I was pretty proud of myself. Rachel understood that I need to take things slow, and I was able to do my push-ups on my knees. Maybe in w few weeks, I’ll be able to do a full push-up. I think I did well on my assessment for one very important reason, focus. If I focused on myself and my body, I was able to remove any distractions. I was focusing on doing the best I could do and nothing else. In the end, it was awesome to have that one-on-one focus. Everything was about improving and cousin on myself. It felt kind of nice. 

Starting your journey with a trainer may seem intimidating, but it may be one of the best things you can do for yourself. You can start with any of InsideOuts amazing trainer to be the best you can be!


Working it out: Getting started


Fruits, veggies & mental health